Edward Bouverie Pusey


Edward Bouverie Pusey


William M. Klimon


Center for Norbertine Studies

Birth Date


Death Date



Pusey was an Anglican priest, regius professor of Hebrew at Oxford, and leader of the Oxford Movement in the Church of England. He undertook a revision of Watt's translation (in fact, as he notes, his work is a “retranslation” of the Confessions as the premiere volume of the “Library of the Fathers,” a collection of translations of patristic works, which became one of the important projects of the Oxford Movement. It was, in fact, the idea of Pusey's collaborator, John Henry Newman, then an Oxford scolar and later the Catholic convert, theologian and cardinal, to launch the Library of the Fathers with St. Augustine's Confessions, and wonders how well he knew of the importance of the book to English Catholics and its history of having been translated by his predecessor converts.

Pusey's translation of the Confessions has gone through dozens of editions and has probably never been long, if ever, out of print. It is the text used for the popular Everyman's Library and Modern Library editions and has appeared in “Catholic” editions without an imprimatur, but with prefaces by scholars like Harold C. Gardiner, S.J., and Fulton J. Sheen.