Reflection after Digitalizing the William M. Klimon Collection of St. Augustine's Confessions


Reflection after Digitalizing the William M. Klimon Collection of St. Augustine's Confessions


Maria Dzurik


After completing this project, not only did my appreciation for the Confessions grow, but my appreciation for preserving and collecting old books grew. William M. Klimon came across some magnificent copies of Augustine's Confessions. It would be interesting to find out how people come across these book collectors, and what inspires them or captivates them about each specific edition.  I found that the variety of the translators added an interesting element to this collection. The fact that they come from different eras, religions, countries, and careers makes it interesting that they all are passionate about retranslating or republishing a new edition of the Confessions. The stories of each of these people were too rich and overwhelming to cover in one semester. However, I found it interesting that familiar names, such as Elizabeth Peabody, came up with the project of retranslating Pusey's translation of the Confessions. Possibly, it shows that the message is in the medium. Each of these people, whether they were inspired as a Transcendentalist, a recent convert, or as an Anglican priest, they all could find a common passion that was held in Augustine's raw, and inspiring Confessions. Each person brings an interesting element to each of these English translations of the Confessions. As an audience, we can appreciate the work that they have done to create and recreate a comprehensive translation of Augustine's original Latin Confessions.